Friday 10 March 2017


In Style Boutique 2, there is a local girl group who will visit you at various shops around the city requesting a make-over. This group is the Stylettos and it's up to you to give them a make-over before their next concert. The Stylettos is made up of Amber, Ruby and Sapphire and the Stylettos story line will constantly appear in the game as it cycles back around each time you complete the make-over. Each member of the Stylettos have a favourite colour and the items you choose for them should match this colour. Ruby's colour is red, Amber is yellow and Sapphire is dark blue. 

The Stylettos story line begins with the girls appearing at your Boutique. They will be shown as an NPC with the stars symbol. Select the first Styletto who will be Ruby and she will request you give her a make-over. She needs to keep changing her looks for the fans and would like a new item for their outfit.

Select the search function and select the colour search option. Select red and it will bring up all the clothes available that would be suitable for Ruby. All the Stylettos requests are the same (apart from the colours), they will accept any item regardless of theme as long as it matches their favourite colour. They do not have a particular brand or theme they prefer more. The frustrating part about the Stylettos is that they can never work out how to layer clothing properly, for example they will place a dress over the top they were already wearing even though it looks silly. The Stylettos only require one item to be sold to them and you cannot sell them more than one. Here is Ruby in her new outfit that kinda matches.

Ruby will comment that the item you give her is exactly what she was after and will then inform you that she would like you to do her hair as well. She will next appear at the Hair Salon and the remaining two Stylettos will appear at your Boutique requesting an outfit.

Amber will show up next asking for a new clothing item for her outfit. Her favourite colour is yellow. Select yellow in the search function and choose an item for her. Below is a picture of Amber in her badly matching outfit which is the perfect example of how the Stylettos will just layer items in the worst way.

Sapphire is the last Styletto to appear at your boutique. There is a small glitch in the game that players have experienced where Sapphire will not appear straight after the other two Stylettos. Other players have reported if they gave her the wrong item, she doesn't appear for over 2 weeks. The solution to these glitches is just to wait until she appears again. Sapphire will appear again but sometimes it can take between 1 to 3 weeks.

Sapphire's colour is dark blue and she will not accept items that are light blue. If you give her the wrong item (or any of the other girls), she will tell you how it doesn't match her image and will reject the item. She will disappear and you will need to wait for her to reappear at your Boutique.

Once she returns, give her a dark blue item and she will accept it. Here is Sapphire in the outfit she accepted the second time she visited. She will inform you on how she likes how deep/dark blue the item is.

Next, the Stylettos can be found at the Hair Salon waiting for a new haircut. They will appear as an NPC with the stars symbol once again and you can serve them in whatever order you like.

The girls will give you the following hints as to what hairstyle they would like. They have no specific style they prefer other than the hair colour be their favourite colour. Now they won't mention this to you (no preferred colour) but you can only give them their favourite colour for them to like it. You can give the Stylettos any style you please, you can stick to them all having the same hairstyle which is what this guide has done.

The girls will tell you if they are pleased with their new hair cut or not. You can try again if they are upset with the style you gave them. Here are examples of the dialogue that appears with the simple hairstyle given to them. After this, the girls will inform you that they are heading over to the Beautician to get their make-up done.

Head over to the Beautician at Station Square and the girls will be waiting for you to give them new make-up. You can serve them in whatever order you please.

There is no photo provided on the make-up the Stylettos will like but you must give them colours that match their favourite colour. The required sections that must be in their favourite colour include: Eyeshadow, Eyeliner and Coloured Contacts. All the other sections allow you to choose anything. In regards to colour selection, you only need to pick a colour that belongs to the colour palette of their favourite colour. For example, use the red colour palette for Ruby's make-up. Here is an screenshot of the make-up chosen for Amber.

After each make-over, the Stylettos will tell you if they are pleased with their new make-up or not. They will comment on the colours you have chosen and will mention its their favourite colour if you pick the correct one.

Each member of the Stylettos group will thank you for choosing an entire new costume for them and talk about how they have become a true Styletto with your help. The last girl you serve will invite you to come see their next show at the Live Music Club.

At night time, head over to the Live Music Club at Cafetiere Close to see the Stylettos show. You will be greeted by Keisha who will tell you the girls are about to perform and will go find them for you to talk to them. The Stylettos will appear and thank you for coming. They will ask you for some advice on performing and the following three options appear on the bottom 3DS screen:
  • Put lots of energy into it!
  • Try to make a graceful entrance!
  • Show everyone your cute side!

Choose any of the three you like (it makes no real difference) and then the girls will get ready for their performance. Here are screenshots of the performance and the dialogue from the Stylettos.

Once the performance is finished, that's the end of the story line. However this story line will keep appearing constantly in the game with the same requests. The Stylettos will not accept clothing items they have previously brought so try to keep track of what you may have sold to them in the past. There is a slight variation of this story line where you get to take the place of one of the Stylettos for a performance.


  1. It should probably be noted that because the Stylettos don't know how to properly layer their clothing, you need to be careful about which accessories you give them. If you have them try on an item that causes them to expose anything (in other words, they'd need to borrow an article of clothing), they'll act as if you've chosen the "Take a look!" option instead of "Try it on!".

    1. Yes, I was aware of that. I didn't include it as it's pretty common knowledge when selecting outfits in the game. I did mention however about how they don't know how to layer clothing properly, hence why they are in such hideous looking outfits in the pictures.

  2. I'm surprise by what the song says in english, it's very different in spanish XD

    1. How interesting. The english lyrics are kinda silly :)

  3. Any specific time in the game that the Stylettos come?

    1. They should appear first sometime in the main story line and then constantly appear after that with this story line.

    2. STILL haven't seen them, though I've completed the 3rd show and gone to Adelaide's wedding. Anything missing?

    3. Oh WOW. A few minutes after I had done my 4th show (about 5 mins ago) I saw the sparkly thing and the owner of the live music club said about the Stylettos. Typical. Well, thanks for your help anyways!

    4. Great to hear they appeared for you :)

  4. So maybe it's because of an update, but the options I had for the Stylettos' hairstyles was a... little different? For example, Amber said she definitely wanted to do blonde, and a plaited hairstyle. Meanwhile, Ruby wanted something short, and said that while no fringe would suite Sapphire, she'd like a fringe for her haircut.

    1. Wow, how strange. The Eur/Aus version hasn't been updated for a long time, not sure about NA version but that wouldn't be an update thing (updates are mainly for bugs or making the game run better). I think maybe earlier on in their story line in the game they do ask for a certain hair style as I do recall sapphire asking for a certain one once.

  5. So I unwittingly had them layer their shirts (first time around I sold them shirts out of the tops category, second time I selected them from inners). There's no way to fix that, is there? The inners I selected will eternally be there under any other tops or dresses I choose?

    I hadn't realized you could change more than the shirt, though, so thanks for the tips :)

    1. They will layer the shirts and other clothing items anyway, it's really dumb how they do it. I haven't found a way to fix it yet as when I try to give them a new item, they just layer it again!
      I wish you could give them an entire new outfit. You don't want to see what they are currently wearing in my game, it's awful. I stopped caring about their outfits a while ago because they just do that layering thing and it drives me nuts haha

    2. So it'll just get worse as time goes on! I already cringe at the sight of them xD They really should ask for full outfits, agreed.

    3. I found it got worse and worse for myself and I just gave up trying to make them look nice. I don't get why they weren't programmed in the game to ask for full outfits like all the other characters.

  6. Something happened. I got Ruby and Amber after the 3rd big fashion show. But Sapphire has yet to show up anywhere...??? I found Ruby at the Primrose Park and Amber outside the Live Music Club. Took care of their hair, makeup, and outfit. But Sapphire is missing...

    1. Sapphire seems to be the hardest one to find. Some players (including myself) find that sometimes she won't appear for ages (took for over 2 weeks once). Keep an eye out for her, but yeah she does disappear a lot.

    2. She finally showed up outside the Beaumont arena. Geez! It took a month. Glad to know there are people still playing. :)

    3. That's what happen to me, I don't think I saw her for nearly 2 months once. Yes, it's great people are still playing! Style Boutique 2 is probably my favourite game of all time :)

  7. Do the Stylettos choose clothes for themselves like the other NPCs when the seasons change?

    1. They always wear the same clothes - starts off in their costume then they'll wear whatever items you give them. I've given up on them as they have the worst most hilarious looking getups on at the moment as I didn't have good items in stock that matched their request when they visited. I really wish you could give them full outfits.

    2. I haven't layered them in some kind of terrible way, thankfully. Too bad that they don't change clothes...

    3. It started out good layering but then went right downhill when I realised they don't understand how inners and tops work and just piled them on like crazy haha.

  8. Does Sapphire accept deep blue clothes that are also light blue?

    1. Sapphire's colour is dark blue so I usually just go for items under the blue tab instead of light blue. I haven't had much success with her accepting items that were light blue as she just won't take them.

  9. Some thing strange happened. I gave Ruby a red top just like she said. Ruby in the dressing room said she loved the red item and it was great, and she bought it, but she then said something like 'It wasn't exactly what I wanted, it should be more red but oh well.' And she walked out without wearing it like the other girls did. She has yet to show up at the hair salon or make-up store.
