New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star

The next game in the Style Boutique series was announced to be New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star! The game was released in Europe and Australia on November 25th 2017. The Japanese version Girls Mode 4: Star☆Stylist was released in Japan on November 2nd 2017 and the North American version Style Savvy: Styling Star will be released only on the Nintendo eShop on December 25th 2017.

Guides and information on New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star will be available on a separate blog to this one. Please visit the link below to find guides detailing various aspects of New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star.

Visit the New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star Guide Blog!


  1. I just saw this in my eshop. I’m downloading the demo, and your site is amazingly helpful for the fashion forward game, I’m looking forward to your blog on this next one!

    1. Have fun with the demo! And thank you for being interested in my blog :)

    2. I've downloaded the demo, and I have a rough idea of what to expect. I wonder how much the full version will cost.

    3. It was $50AUD which is about $37USD. So maybe around that price. Styling Star was priced cheaper than Fashion Forward here.

  2. Replies
    1. Me too! Not long until it releases in Europe and Australia!

  3. I am so happy to find this! I thought I was the only one who loved this series of games! I wonder is there a way to save photos from either this game or the new one to my phone?

    1. Thanks for finding my blog! I hope you find the guides useful! There's lots of players out there who enjoy the series. I post play journals of the game on my personal blog (link in my profile) and you can find players commenting on posts who also run Style Boutique blogs if you would like to visit other similar blogs.

      The best way to save pictures is to remove the SD card from the 3DS and upload them onto a computer. Or you can use the nintendo image share thing, but that only works with twitter and facebook I believe. I haven't used it much as I just use the SD card method. I don't believe there is an exact way to save them to your phone as photos are stored on the 3DS SD Card and 3DS picture folder.

  4. Hey! Your blog is amazing and was super helpful for Trendsetters. I was just wondering is it true that Style Savvy 3 was region locked in the UK/Australia? Can I download it in an American 3DS?

    1. Region-locked refers to that you need a North American 3DS/2DS to play Style Savvy and you can only visit players online who are in the NA region. Same with Style Boutique - you can only play it on a EUR or AUS region 3DS/2DS and visit players in the same region.
      The easy way to explain it is that the game is called Style Savvy in North America, Style Boutique in Europe and Australia and Girls Mode in Japan. Same game just different names and box art.

  5. Hey! Your blog is amazing and was super helpful for Trendsetters. I was just wondering is it true that Style Savvy 3 was region locked in the UK/Australia? Can I download it in an American 3DS?

    1. quick note - anonymous was me

    2. Cool :) I replied to your question in the first comment above. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog! I post outfits from the game and other game content on my personal blog if you want to see more game posts.
