Tuesday 7 March 2017

Purple Moon - Cherry Blossom Outfit

The Purple Moon brand in Style Boutique 2 sells a variety of fun costume outfits. The brand is found on the third floor of the Exhibition Hall and the brand representative is Eliza. One of the costume outfits that can be purchased from Purple Moon is the Cherry Blossom outfit. Each item in the outfit costs $990.00.

The Cherry Blossom outfit is made up of two items:
  • Cherry Blossom Petal Dress
  • Cherry Blossom Earrings

The Cherry Blossom outfit is only available to purchase from Purple Moon during the Spring season in the game (March to May).


  1. Isn't the cherry blossom flowers hair accessory included in the outfit?

    1. If you mean the blossom hairclip, then it is not part of the outfit. The blossom hairclip is in the flower hairclip collection. This outfit is made up of these two items. You could wear it with the outfit though :)
