Tiramisu Tee Design
April Bonbon will request for you to design a t-shirt for their ‘sweetwear’ range inspired by tiramisu. The actual t-shirt you need to design is different from what she requests. Connie will ask for a t-shirt with yellow on top (for the cream) and brown on the bottom (for the sponge). However, if you make this design she will tell you the bottom base is the wrong colour.
![]() |
Copy this colour combination for the recipe to success! |
So it seems you need to make this design with a brown top base and yellow bottom base. I used Cocoa for the top colour and Yellow Balloon for the base colour.
Rainbow has disappeared
Rainbow has a habit of disappearing from the park sometimes. I haven’t encountered the glitch myself, but some players recommend to keep re-entering the park until she appears or reloading the game. Maybe check your boutique as well in case she’s hiding there or she may be waiting for you to visit her at a train station location like the Meadows. I know a lot of Japanese players seemed to encounter this glitch in the Japanese version.
Where are you disappearing to Rainbow? |
Members of the Stylettos disappearing
A number of players (including myself) experience a bug where one of the members disappears and they are unable to find them. I had two of the Stylettos visit my Boutique, but the member Sapphire disappeared. I couldn't find her anywhere on the map. It seems sometimes NPC's will go missing for periods of time. It took 2 weeks for her to reappear. So if this happens to you, you may need to wait until the NPC reappears again at your Boutique. This seems to be a common problem for many players and the only solution is to wait for them to reappear.
Unable to trigger Tiramisu event
This one seems to happen to quite a few people. In order to unlock the colour Tiramisu for your colour palette, you must trigger the Tiramisu eating event at Cafetiere Close. Some players are incredibly lucky and the event occurs for them easily, but for other it rarely occurs. It took myself a while to trigger the event. To unlock the colour, you must talk to a NPC in Cafetiere Close who is the second character from the left of the screen. The character will ask if you wish to join them to eat Tiramisu. If you are having trouble trigger this specific event, I found the best trick is to save and reload your game and revisit the Cafetiere Close to see if the character is there. I saved and reloaded my game about 6 times before the event triggered.
Now you can take a photo of the Tiramisu cake to show Rainbow to unlock the colour!
Unable to trigger Redcurrant Cake event
This is pretty much the same as the Tiramisu event, it does not trigger for some people. To unlock the Redcurrant Cake colour, you must talk to the second NPC from the left at Cafetiere Close. Try the same trick as the tiramisu event if the character does not appear. Make sure to take a photo of the Redcurrant Cake for Rainbow.
I got the missing Rainbow glitch in the NA version myself. It happened for a while after I saw her in The Meadows. Eventually after looking around different station areas, and the town/boutique to no avail she was back to her normal spot.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear she reappeared for you :)
DeleteHi how do you find the tiramisu t shirt design I got the event not know t-shirt design can you please help me thanks :-)
DeleteI unlocked certain patterns for commissions but they are not showing up to use. I have four days left to make the tiramisu shirt and the checkered shirt as well as the wedding dress but none of the patterns are available. I still only have the plain and the stripe design. I know I unlocked them because I saw them appear after my character did her thinking pose. What do I do? I can't proceed without them. Help Please!!
ReplyDeleteOMG. I am such a dork. I figured it out. I did not realize I had to click on the plain design and the options would come up. So sorry for the post. I just started doing commissions and was unprepared. Thank you for your time. :)
DeleteGood to hear you worked it out. I have a handy guide on completing commission requests if you ever get stuck again :)
DeleteHey, I was wondering if you could help me with a glitch I have. I completed my first fashion show, and managed to meet Evie. She asked me to give her a new outfit (and I did) and then she left and it seemed to progress as normal. However, when I check my schedule, it mentions what kind of outfit she'd like, and the stars are still pointing to my shop like I haven't completed it or something. The only thing I could think of that I did wrong was when I was giving her an outfit, I chose the less confident option. Do you know of this glitch and what I can do to fix it?
ReplyDeleteDoes she want you to visit her at a train station location like Maple Crescent as main NPC's always request that and maybe it's still part of the request. Otherwise wait a while and see if she comes back to request the outfit again.
DeleteThanks so much for the tips on how to get the tiramisu and the redcurrant cake... I had the same issue... Now I have the issue with the red Styletto as well. I'll just be patient and wait for her to come back, lol!
ReplyDeleteSeems the Styletto's like to disappear for everyone. I might add it into this guide.
DeleteThanks for liking my tips :)
My models never show up in my store for the fashion shows. I have finished the three main ones so I am talking about the extra fashion shows. I will get the message that says all my seats are full and then when I am in my shop they never come. I have gotten one model to come once. Is there something I need to do to trigger them?
ReplyDeleteI have this problem sometimes as well. I believe they don't show up for every fashion show. If you do not pick a theme or stage before selling tickets, they will not show up. I had the models not appear for months and they've only just started coming back now that I'm doing fashion shows constantly.
DeleteI am having an issue with the Stylettos. The blue one is all set with her shirt, hair, and makeup. The yellow one has a shirt and is MIA. But the real trouble is Ruby. She keeps visiting my shop to buy red shirts. I have sold her around 10 so far but she's never satisfied. Eventually,she will have all the red shirts in the game and then I won't be able to sell her anything.
ReplyDeleteYou should be able to sell her a different clothing item other than shirts. Maybe try selling her a dress or skirt that is red.
DeleteAll three Stylettos are present at my shop. Too present, actually! They've appeared twice in the same hour at my shop but will not appear at the beautician and hair salon. Not to mention I'm kinda stuck trying to trigger an NPC to have tea with me so I can get Rooibos Tea Red! Hehe! I just gor this game yesterday but it's the last color I need! (You're guide has helped me so much, you don't even know how thankful I am!)
ReplyDeleteFor the Stylettos, it seems it takes them a while to appear in locations. Try clearing all the NPC characters standing around the beautician and hair salon and also maybe around the city.
DeleteTo trigger the tea event, just keep visiting the Rose Cafe until an NPC asks you to tea. A good trick is to save and reload the game up a number of times till you get it. I found that helped trigger a lot of events.
I had the Rainbow glitch and could not find her. I tried everything in this list, but I found out a new method: I just kept talking to the people that were in her normal spot and eventually she showed up again!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear! It must've cycled through all the characters and come back to her.
DeleteJust had a very bizarre glitch happen to me. When I went to the Exhibition Hall and clicked on Kanokoi's booth, the game just gave me the backdrop of the Exhibition Hall (the one you see when Laurie welcomes you). The sales rep never appears and there wasn't even a mannequin. However, I could still click on clothes like normal. I haven't tried buying anything, however.
ReplyDeleteAs I saved some point before going to the hall, it still happens even after I reload the save, so I'm hoping the problem fixes itself...as I've already sunk a considerable amount of time into the game, I hope it doesn't affect my save or the ability to get new clothes from Kanokoi.
Maybe try visiting the e-shop and seeing if there is an update for the game for you to download.
DeleteOtherwise, this may be an issue with your cartridge or system maybe as the game is having difficulty loading the Kanokoi booth.
Thanks for the reply! I just checked the e-shop and there is no update. I guess my game decided to mess up randomly. I noticed this morning the mannequin came back when I visited the booth, but the sales rep still isn't showing up (maybe she quit) and the backdrop remains as the Exhibition Hall. The clothing selection changed like normal and I can still buy items. I'll just keep playing and see what happens.
DeletePS: Thank you for creating this awesome site, it has been very helpful!
So weird. I hope it all fixes itself.
DeleteAnd thank you for visiting my site :)
It's me again, just wanted to report that the problem did indeed fix itself a couple days later. Everything is back to normal at Kanokoi! I did notice the sales rep was wearing a different outfit, so maybe it had something to do with the inventory. Very glad it's not a permanent glitch.
DeleteThe fruit platter event to get exotic grape wont trigger for me.
ReplyDeleteTo trigger the event, you need to talk to Jewel who appears as an NPC. Sometimes it will take a few conversations before you can get the fruit platter that has grapes on it. I recommend saving and reloading the game until you trigger the event.
DeleteI'm not sure if this is a glitch, but I can't seem to unlock the second fashion show and it has been AGES!!! Everyone seems very happy with my outfits/hairstyles/makeup. I've gotten most of the colors, have unlocked the model career portion, and the funland just opened up. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong! Can u help me??
ReplyDeleteHave you sold all the tickets for the show and chosen a stage/theme? And it sounds like you've served all the models at your boutique. You are unable to start the fashion show if you haven't chosen a stage yet.
DeleteThanks for taking the time and answering so quickly! I had to laugh & should've added to my message faster--about 5 minutes after I sent you the message, the show triggered! So, I guess if I ever have any more trouble, I will just message you!! Thanks again & have a great day!
DeleteThat's great to hear it triggered! I've heard of a few people becoming stuck at that same point. Happy to help :)
DeleteI'm in the point of my game where Zoey and Sasha are acting weird, so I have to see what's going on. Zoey asks me if I know anyone who wears lively clothing but then Sasha cuts her off and says I might be here as a customer. So I got my picture taken but they still won't tell me what's going on and the sparkles are still on the photo studio as if I'm supposed to complete something there but they keep telling me the same thing as before! Please help! This is so frustrating.
ReplyDeleteWith this you need to dress your character in a lively outfit from your apartment as Sasha and Zoey want someone (i.e. you) to come to the studio already wearing a lively outfit. Head back to the Photo Studio and you should be able to complete the event.
DeleteHope this helps :) Been forever since I had to do this so I had to remember really hard on what to do and I think this is the right answer
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am having a terrible time with the feminine design! I keep going to the restaurant and nothing happens!!
ReplyDeleteIf you are referring to trying to unlock a design for a designer commission request, try exiting and re-entering the location you need to visit. Or re-start your game.
DeleteThe males keep buying tickets but they don't count. I've had a bunch of guys come buy make up sets and five of them bought tickets. I usually keep track of my tickets so I went to check and none of those tickets counted. Out of all my friends I'm the only one with this glitch though it is nice because guys can like fashion shows too!!
ReplyDeleteOh I thought they did count towards the final numbers. Maybe check if your game needs updating through the e-Shop or maybe it's just a glitch with that one fashion show. I'm not entirely sure how accurately the game counts tickets as it just loves to randomise everything.
DeleteI'm not sure what to do next in my game, I've completed many fashion shows and done many commissions too. I have no clue what you're supposed to do next, can you help?
ReplyDeleteHave you held the final fashion show and attend Adelaide's wedding? Because if you have, that is the end of the main story line and after that you are free to do whatever you like :)
DeleteI failed at providing Adelaide with the right clothes twice. (She's so picky....) I bought new clothes but now she's not appearing in my shop! I'm thinking maybe she only comes on certain days/times and I've regressed my game, DS, and the store already.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it takes a while for characters to reappear at your boutique. Once it took 2 weeks for the stylettos to reappear for me. Try waiting and she should come back.
DeleteYou need to give her Chic themed items. If you have Enid Chen, that's her favourite brand.
So, I got these girls all coming into my shop trying to look like celebrities. I dressed did makeup and hair for four girls so far. The fourth said she was going to be at the rose garden. But then these other girls came in saying they needed outfits for a tea tasting at the rose garden. Right as I finushed dressing them it turned to midnight and showed the clock showing the next day. I went to the rise garden but no one is there. Nothing is happening! I really wanted to complete the girls dressing up like this celebrity group event to be finished. Did I lose it forever? I hope not D:
ReplyDeleteI think you are referring to the girls who wish to look like the Five Sisters. You need to visit Peony Hall for that (I remember I had to). Try checking there to see if they are there.
DeleteI play the Japanese version of the game, and I can't seem to download other people's rooms by their codes. Whenever I type in a code, it shows the room, and then freezes for a long time. Does anyone know what is going on?
ReplyDeleteTry updating your game via the eshop as an update was released for the JPN and EU/AU versions a while ago. Also maybe try updating your 3DS.
DeleteI have the NA version and Adelaide and Callie come to my shop asking for the Enid Chen outfit and a bold one and no matter how many times I give them an outfit they like, they stay in my shop with the stars next to them. I've tried talking to Ricky and random people to see if I needed to do something else to progress and I've waited as well (It's been three days). This happened with Evie too but eventually went away. What do I do?
ReplyDeleteWere they happy with their outfit and brought it? I know one time I gave Xiaoling an outfit and she was back in straight away. Then I gave her a totally different outfit and she left. Maybe try seeing if there is an update for your game on the eshop.
DeleteOtherwise, give them a new outfit with new items.
Yes every time I create a new outfit they buy and like it. Neither of those things you suggested worked and I gave it a couple days, too. Thanks for your help anyways! Hopefully it was resolve itself when a new update comes, otherwise I'll be stuck on this one part forever. ( Let's hope not )
DeleteI hope it fixes itself. Seems a bit odd that this is happening. I've had a few glitches in my game but it was mainly due to resetting the time on my 3DS and it fixed itself once the time was right.
DeleteTo me the Styletto dissapearing doesn't happen to me instead once i dressed up Amber and Ruby and totally forgot Sapphire existed (sorry Sapphire) then when they gonna perform they said Sapphire was sick and could'nt come so they said maybe I can perform with them and they ask me if I have anything to say you pick from three different things one mentioned cute and the rest I forgot
ReplyDeleteYes, this is true as there is a story line in the game that allows you to perform with them. I've only had that story line once and all other times, the three girls have appeared for requests.
DeleteI finally got the redcurrant cake color. The trick is to go to your system settings and change the date anywhere after June 23 this colour along with Tiramisu is a summer color.
ReplyDeleteHere's another way to get the Redcurrant and Tiramisu color go to system settings on your 3ds and change it to a date around late June the beginning of summer that's when these colors appear. I believe it works on the exotic grape as well.
ReplyDeleteYou can unlock the colours at any time of the year, no need to alter your 3DS clock. If you time travel, it can break the brands at the Exhibition Hall. The best trick to get the colours is the one mentioned with just reloading the area over and over again.
Deletetfw it's been almost 4 months and i still haven't been able to get the tiramisu event
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. Took me a while to unlock it as well. I finally unlocked it by just saving, reloading my game and going to Cafetiere Close and repeating this until the NPC appeared. I know someone who got the colour as soon as they started playing the game, but I know a lot of Japanese players reported having difficulty unlocking the colour.
DeleteI have done everything it said to find Rainbow again. She has disappeared and I can't find her. She goes to the hair salon and my boutique, but after I help her, I check the Primrose Park and she isn't there. I entered the park and left. I did that for a good 5 minuets and she still wasn't there. I did everything you suggested. Rainbow's still not there. What should I do?
ReplyDeleteDid you check the Meadows? Sometimes she goes there to visit after you serve her at your Boutique.
DeleteI honestly think I triggered both the tiramisu and grape events before I knew that you have to take pictures to get colors. Do you think they can be triggered again? :(
ReplyDeleteAs well as the redcurrant cake!
DeleteYou should be able to trigger them again. Try the technique listed above of restarting the game until they appear.
DeletePersonal design items cannot be sold to customers at your boutique. You can only sell commission items you create for brand representatives at the Designer Lounge. Personal design items can only be worn on your own character or placed on the miniature man in Caprice Chalet rooms.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed something weird over the past week or so. All of a sudden people don't seem to want to stay in the outfits I've given them. I gave Noor a new outfit a few days ago, and she's been wearing it since, but I went to the hair salon today and she was back to her default outfit. I gave Adelaide a new outfit and she'd changed out of it by the time I went to meet her at the restaurant! It's not just the major NPCs either, it's happening to everyone. I give them new outfits, they leave my store wearing them, and then the next time I see them they're back to their defaults. It's really weird.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's not because of the season change, either. Most of the characters had already changed into their summer defaults, and then I gave them new, season-appropriate outfits...aaaand they went right back to the defaults. I'm not sure what's happening here, but it's kind of annoying.
That will happen if you adjust the time on your 3DS. But if you haven't done that or time traveled in the game, maybe the game glitched out and reverted everyone back to their main outfits.
DeleteIt is strange, I've never had that happen before unless I changed the time. See if it happens again after you've given them new outfits.
I have a glitch where I've found colors (like Moonless Sky, Begonia, and Golden Bell) but they don't appear in the color palette. No matter how many times I show those photos to Rainbow, the colors won't be in the palette. I tried reloading, shutting of my 3DS, and taking out the cartridge too. Any ideas how to fix this?
ReplyDeleteThat's quite a problem. Have you tried taking photos at a different angle? Or see if there's an update for the game on the E-Shop.
DeleteI looked for an update, but there isn't one right now. I showed her the photos and got the icons that indicated I unlocked the colors. I can try taking photos at different times/angles too, but I'm not sure that will work either...
DeleteDo the colours appear in your palette when you are at the hairsalon or designing clothes? Maybe they were glitching out when you unlocked them.
DeleteI'd say try taking them at different angles. The photos shown in the guide are not always the only way to unlock colours. Others have noted in the comments that some you can get at different angles.
There was this time where the girl who unlocks the japanese-themed place (Idk what is the English translation? I hope you know what I'm talking about!) Popped in my shop. I tried turning her down since I didn't have any clothes she might like left. (I hope what I say is coherent, I don't know the English terms again..) I haven't seen her since then, and it has been 2 weeks.. I tried putting oriental things in my boutique to attract her, but she is nowhere to be found.. Is it a bug? Do you think I'll have to restart everything?
ReplyDeleteYes,you mean the girl that unlocks Maple Crescent. I'd say see if there is an update for the game in the eShop or try visiting every single location in the game to clear out all the requests. She should show up again, that was the last brand I unlocked.
Deletewith the redcurrent cake / tiramisu event, what do you mean "left of the screen"? since there are four places for NPCs to appear in, do you mean the first slot on the left or the second one? sorry if i sound dumb i just don't know what you mean!
ReplyDeleteIt is the second NPC from the left. They should have a special symbol above them.
DeleteFirst off, amazing and very helpful website! I am running into an issue where Sapphire will NOT go away. She keeps coming to my shop, multiple times a day, wanting a blue top. I've served her many times over but she keeps glitch in and coming back =/
ReplyDeleteHave you given her a deep blue coloured top? She will go away if you give her that specific colour.
DeleteOh geez. It looks like I gave her every type of blue except deep blue. I just tried it right now and she'd asking me to do her hair next. Thank you so much!
DeleteNo problem, the same thing happened to me the first time I served her. She seems to only like deep blue as it's the closest to the gem colour of sapphire
DeleteI'm having a real problem with designs. I'll get the request--for example, to make the ice cream tights, I'll go to Bun Bun, get the inspiration, and when I get to my design studio to make them, the design is gone. This has happened with the midline stripe for Retrobeat, also. I talked to Ricky, but when I went to the studio, nothing. I've tried saving and restarting, powering off and on again, and finally, just declining the request on the final day.
ReplyDeleteThen the designers seem to reset, and I'll go back to making party dresses for AZ-USA or Purple Moon for a while, but I haven't seen those requests come up again.
Had anyone else had this happen to them? It's so frustrating! This is after about two years worth of play, so I genuinely don't want to start all over again--I'm attached to my mini shopkeeper self! :).
Any thoughts or help you can offer would be great. Thanks so much!
Never heard of this glitch and it sounds awful :( Have you checked to see if there's an update for the game in the eShop? In case it was an issue with the game and there was a update released for it. So you can find the inspiration, but can't find the request. Is your design portfolio full? Try deleting some items from it and see if the game lets you complete the request.
DeleteSorry I couldn't be of more help, I've just never heard of this glitch before. I'd say try talking to all the NPC's around the city and train station locations to clear them out. Accept every designer lounge request that is available for an entire week to see if it works. I had to do that when the last request I needed would never appear.
I agree about being attached to your shopkeeper self. I'm excited to play the new game, but I love Style Boutique 2 so much it's going to be hard to start a new game that is quite different from the previous game.
I am stuck at the second fashion show. I got a message saying I sold the tickets, but when I go to start the show, he just keeps telling me they're working on the stage and as soon as the tickets sell out, we're good to go. In the meantime, Evie and Callow are the only ones in my shop. I fulfill their requests, but they just stay. Everything else seems to be working fine, but I feel like I've got a wall
ReplyDeleteFigured it out. For anyone else who might get stuck: you must use "Try It On" and not "Take a Look" to move forward
DeleteGreat to hear you figured it out :)
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, thank you for this great blog, you have put a lot of effort into it and it is very helpful.
Sometimes in my boutique, an item in my interior (I am using the Baby Doll interior) is flickering, like a candle is shining on it? I wonder if this is some kind of graphical glitch. I have the cardridge version of the game. Have you ever experienced this?
I've tested the Baby Doll interior in my boutique and haven't seen the flickering item. Are you sure it isn't a spot where you can place a miniature?
DeleteThanks for visiting my blog and finding it useful! I post stacks more Style Boutique content on my personal blog Marzipan Wonderland if you want to see outfit challenges and play journals.
I came across a bug that was kind of silly. At the beautician I had an interesting request from Tilly and one of the guys (I cannot figure out which one it was): The prompt was that he was her manager and she needed her makeup done for a production, but the reference picture was an exact picture of Tilly and she was already wearing the makeup they requested. I just changed one small color and they were happy with it. No big deal, but sort of funny to me!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all of the content you post! :)
I've had that as well! With a few customers actually, it was quite weird.
DeleteThanks for visiting! I know I don't update the Style Boutique 2 guides much nowadays but I'm glad it still helps people.
Me too. I've had the lively girl at my boutique who said she wants to "come here to play" and her friend convincing her to try a lively outfit. Her request always says "I'm definitely nervous" even though she wears that style all the time and asked for that same thing three times in the same day
DeleteSo Callow came into my shop recently asking for an outfit for Adelaide's wedding. I ended up turning her down so I could go buy some new bold items for her and she said she'd be around. When I came back, she was gone. I've closed the game and reopened it, helped the other customers in the shop, and checked to make sure she wasn't at the salon or beauty parlor. The only times I've seen her were after a fashion show. I have no idea how to get her back so I can put her outfit together. Any suggestions?
DeleteCallie will appear again, it can just take some time. This happens with all the main NPC's and it can take a few days for them to appear again. Once took me two weeks to see a character again at my boutique. You are doing the right things with clearing customers out and try clearing NPC's out around town as well by talking to them. Hang in there, she will come back soon!
DeleteI tried to bring back Rainbow, but she wouldn't come back. I tried everything, from the Meadows (twice), to going back and fourth on the park, to the boutique, to reloading the game. Can you give me more advice? Thank gyu, and Style Savvy (that's what it's called in my version), is underrated and I love it!
ReplyDeleteThis seems to be a common issue for players. Check out the comments above for tips, it seems players can get her to appear again by talking to characters around town and ones residing in her normal location. This technique basically clears out all the NPC's and refreshes them.
DeleteI noticed something weird in my game today. The "Try it on" animations don't play sound anymore yet the sound comes back on when the animation is over.
ReplyDeleteThat is weird. Maybe an error with the catridge or something, not sure as I'm not a tech or anything.
DeleteI can't see my messages it says I have 6 unread ones but I cant view them and I don't know what
ReplyDeleteAfter the first fashion show, I accidentally rejected Brenda's request to create a girly outfit. I get the star symbol on my shop to progress the story, but Brenda never shows up. The schedule even tells me to give her an outfit, but it seems that she will never come to my shop again.
ReplyDeleteThere is a weird glitch involving the custom designed outers and skirts in the summer time. When i put them together in an outfit on the mannequin, the customers will always tell me it's too warm and want something lighter. Even if it's short-sleeved or completely sleeveless! Pairing them with sandals doesn't work either, even though it's the closest to revealing I can make it. It's so weird because they constantly ask for an original outer yet won't accept a full outfit with them
ReplyDeleteThere is a weird, but harmless glitch involving one of the makeup sets, Heart 2 Heart. When you get to the part where you name the new makeup set, a message comes up saying the character cannot be used, and the default name gets changed to "Heart ? Heart". It's weird that you can't use numbers in custom makeup set names yet one of the defaults has that.
ReplyDeleteOkay so I've tried clicking the second person from the left on the screen for red current cake all the time and I go out of that event and then I go back into that event and then there's new NPCs But no red current cake And then on top of that I look on my photos and I do have a picture of red current cake but for some reason rainbow isn't accepting it and then on top of that I get every now and then people that come into the boutique saying hey you should come with us and eat red current cake and so then I go to meet them and then they're just drinking coffee It's so frustrating I only have two more colors left and then I have all the color palettes. Has anyone else experienced this?
ReplyDeleteYeah I have the same thing. Those 3 colors are a real pain.
ReplyDelete(`△´#) also Taylor Green is a real drag, three color in one place how annoying (メ` ロ ´)
There’s a glitch with the Goddess Top where when you put it as an outer over a poofy Lolita skirt instead of squishing the skirt like other tube tops it makes a piece of your character’s torso disappear. Idk if that’s interesting but it was kinda spooky when I saw it
ReplyDeleteIt's always annoying when the clothes do this. I tend to avoid using them if there is not volume to the skirt/dress.