Guide Index

Here is a list of all the topics available in the Style Boutique 2: Fashion Forward Guide.

Amiibo Items
Amiibo Items - All Colour Variations

Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards


AR Cards 




Brands of Clothing & Accessories 

Bugs & Glitches

Caprice Chalet


Character Symbols 


Colour Palette Guide 

Designer Lounge

Designer Collection

Differences between Style Boutique 1 & Style Boutique 2


Exhibition Hall 

Frequently Asked Questions

Fashion Shows

Five Sisters Story

Fortune Teller

Hair Salon 

Hairstyle Guide



Make-Up Sets

Men's Fashion

Miniature Items


New Years Day

Other Menu

Phone Menu 

Photo Studio

Purple Moon

QR Codes

St Patrick's Day


Tips For Making Money

Valentine's Day

Thanks for visiting!!


  1. Thank you for this superb guide you made. It's really helpful.

    1. Thank you ♡♡♡ And thank you for visiting! I'm planning to make more guides for the game so keep checking this page

  2. Hi, can you make a guide for the Fashion Shows? Or at least tell me about which Image/tastes go with each theme? That still confuses me!

    1. Hi! I'll add fashion guides to my to-do list. It's hard to pick what exact image goes with the theme as they're so vague. Plus there's so many fashion show themes to cover. Don't worry, it confuses even me

  3. Can you sell clothes that were made using free design? To be specific, can we sell non-commissioned items in our shops?

    1. You can only sell clothes you design for brand representatives and you cannot sell clothes you make yourself in free design. If you delete an item from your portfolio, it is not available to sell anymore.

  4. This is an amazing guide. It's already helped me a ton with getting some of the tricky colors for my color palette. Thanks for making it.

  5. You have written up an awesome guide!! Thanks for taking the time to do it!

  6. Your guide is awesome! Buuut. Is there any guide for the locations? I'm still missing maple crescent and I technically finished the main story. Helllp!

    1. I will make one for locations soon. To unlock Maple Crescent, you serve a customer called Gwen who will invite you to Maple Crescent. Same thing happened to me, I didn't unlock it until after the main story.

  7. Hello! I'm having trouble and I've looked EVERYWHERE!! I just finished selling tickets for my second fashion show, and callie and evie have been in my shop for a while. They just won't leave no matter how many outfits I make for them, I keep making bold outfits for callie and minimal feminine ones for evie, I've restarted my game three times and it keeps happening, what am I doing wrong? Please please please help!!

    1. Hi! Maybe check if there is a update to download from the eShop in case that will fix it. Otherwise, try stocking up on new bold and feminine items for the girls as they may already own the items you are trying to sell. Also try selecting take a look option when showing them outfits as they will give you three tries to get the right outfit.

    2. I hear people say you have to use try it on and not take a look to get them put cuz apparently they also say its a glitch for making money (btw i used the basic style on Evie and it worked idk tho)

    3. Interesting. I always use Try It On and never Take A Look so maybe that does happen

  8. Sometimes a character named Reiko shows up in my store. She's kind of an important NPC and wears the Purple Moon Cat outfit. Anyone know what kind of style she prefers?

    1. She is an NPC that works at the Bun-Bun Funland stage or the Live Music Club as a pop singer. She likes Purple Moon clothing (lively types) I believe as I currently have her dressed in the pink Fairy outfit.

    2. I actually had Reiko come into my store the other day. I didn't have any Purple Moon items to give her, so I dressed her up in lively clothing from April Bonbon. She loved what I picked out for her and bought it!

    3. Yes she will accept any lively item. I like to dress her in Purple Moon clothing because hardly anyone buys those and they suit her with her being a pop singer.

  9. Is it possible to make a guide of doing makeup from pictures the customers show you? I always have trouble remembering the colors for each makeup item and the memo's not much help because it only tells you what color group the shade is in.

    1. With doing make-up from a picture, there is no exact colour. As long as you pick a shade from the palette listed (i.e. pinks or yellow/greens), they will accept it. I will be making beautician and make-up guides soon :)

  10. Your guide is so amazing first of all! <3 <3! And I wanted to recommend something fun ^U^. You should make a guide on how to look like a certain character in the game with their original outfits and all XD (face shape/skin color, eye shape, make up, hair/color, clothes). I find Sophie, Takako (Idk if shes the same in every game), Callie, and the Five Sister's outfits/looks super cute and tried imitating Ellie and Sophie a few times xD. It would be nice to find out which clothes they wear and where to get them as well!

    1. Great idea :) I have nearly every clothing item so I should be able to work something out. They do change outfits each season so they have a few outfits.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. can you do a five star outfit for unique I cant seem to get it

    1. I will be posting a guide on five star outfits for unique shows next :) Please come back and visit soon to see it.

  13. Can you make a guide for hairstyles corresponding to themes? BTW, I absolutely ADORE your guide, and I hope you keep on adding to it!

    1. I've been working on one for a while, just hasn't been finished. Can't say when it will get posted.

      Thank you for visiting my guide! I am planning to keep updating it and I will be blogging about the new game at

  14. is the girls mode 3 book only in japanese? I mean, that won't be much of a problem for me because I take Japanese, but I was just wondering.

    1. Yes, it's only in Japanese and has a lot of text in it.

  15. Hi Marzipanini! Have you considered making a similar guide for Style Savvy 4/New Style Boutique 3 when it comes out?

    This guide was so useful for so many things, it would be great if there was a resource like this for the new game. :)

    1. Hi! I've already got one up and running for the new game. You can visit it at

    2. Awesome! I'll bookmark it right away. :) Thanks for continuing your great work!

  16. weird question, but is there a cat skirt? preferably in pink!

    1. I believe there is a skirt from April Bonbon that has a cat face on it and comes in a range of colours. That would be your best option besides the cat outfit from Purple Moon (but that's a dress not a skirt)

  17. Do you have a Style Savvy Trendsetters guide or any tips for it? I got it on Christmas, but there are some harder spots.

    1. I don't have a Trendsetters guide unfortunately, only Fashion Forward and Styling Star. I'd recommend looking some tips up on google. It's been years since I played Trendsetters, I should go find it in a shop somewhere :)

    2. You really should get it! It is A-MAZ-ING!

    3. I had it years ago and it was fun to play. I just don't have the time to play more games at the moment as I play so many already!

  18. Hi, I can't seem to access the fun fair on style boutique 2, it just isn't there. Do I need to do something to unlock it?

    1. It should unlock at the train station during the main story line. I think it's when you meet some students there or something, been so long since I did it. It should become available though when you play through the main story line of the game.

    2. Thanks to reading your tips I found out I needed to put on a lively outfit to complete the first modelling job (I had no idea,I wondered why the stars wouldn't go away!) and doing that has unlocked the fairground. Thanks for all your great tips, so helpful :)

    3. Happy to hear it worked out for you :)

  19. Hey girl! I was wondering if you know of any fishnets or fishnet-esque tights?

    1. AZ-USA has some called Geometric Leggings and Diamond Patterned Tights which have fish net looks to them. Those would be your best option for a fish net style.

    2. April BonBon also has socks that have a fishnet pattern, but they're knee socks, not tights.

  20. so i helped adelaide get a wed dress and i helped callie get a wed outfit but after that no one else came for wed outfits! help!

    1. Sometimes it can take a while for characters to come for outfits. Try talking to all the NPC's around town to clear them out and hopefully they'll appear. You may need to wait a little while for all the characters to come.

  21. Hi, my 7 yr old loves this game...she had the demo and used almost all if the demo plays available until we bought the full game for her birthday...anyway in the demo there is a singing contest/audition/pop concert and we can't seem to find out how to unlock this or get to this part of the game in the full style savvy fashion this pop concert thing only in the demo or can you get to it in the full version? any advice would be mich appreciated!!!

    1. With the pop concert/singing contest, are you referring to Styling Star (the most recent game) as that has that content in it. Fashion Forward only has fashion shows and the live music club. The demo for Styling Star does have a concert in it.

  22. Thank you so much for making this awesome blog because I would never have figured out several things about this game and I haven't found an official players guide or even an official blog by the company. Yours covers just about everything including how to please that annoying Adelaide!

    1. Thanks for visiting! That's the main reason I started this blog was to share information about the game as it's hard to find it on the net.

  23. Hi, I have a question. Lately I've had customers coming in requesting clothing which I give that they already own. Do you know if once a customer gets one certain item of clothing they won't ever buy it or can be sold it again? I'm worried if I'd have to restart the game just so I can serve customers again. :(

    1. Most of the time once a customer has an item, they will tell you that they already own it if you try to sell it to them again and reject it. Sometimes you can get away with selling the same item just in a different colour. They might occasionally point that out though. I try to avoid giving them one single item they already own, you can use the items in a full outfit though. That's worked fine for myself and I've had no problem serving customers in the game after a long time. You don't need to restart the game, just purchase a varied range of items to sell at the boutique.

    2. I have that problem a lot too. They only seem to reject it if it's the exact item in the exact color. I've given them accessories and clothes that they were already wearing but in a different color. They recognize it as a new item and not the exact same thing they already own even though it's the same item with different colors.

  24. Hi, is there a way to sell your personal clothes or delete ones you want to? I never wear certain clothes in my wardrobe and it's getting way too full, I have like 180,000 dollars and so much content unlocked now. That's an indication towards how many clothes I may have.

    1. You cannot delete clothes in your personal wardrobe unfortunately. It's a pain as you have to sort through so many items to find the ones you want. I have every item in the game and it takes forever to find a particular item when I want it.

  25. I'm having trouble seeing my messages. It says I have 2 unread messages but I dont see any new ones. I've started the game over again as well

    1. Could possibly be a glitch, maybe try clearing out the events related to the messages to see if new ones will clear out older ones stuck in there. I'm not entirely sure how to fix this, unfortunately :(

  26. ich habe jetzt schon adelheids hochzeitskleid, frisur und makeup hinter mir und komme nicht mehr weiter. Was soll ich als nächstes tun? Wie komme ich weiter?

    PS: vielen dank für die Erklärungen und der Hilfe :)

  27. Hi how to unlock the restaurant in style savvy fashion forward it won't open on day or night can you please help me with it thanks.😊

  28. Hi, is there a guide to the different styles that characters and customers prefer?

    1. I was gonna ask the same bc I struggle sometimes

  29. Do u have a guide for like every customer of new style boutique style just so I'm reminded what each customer likes
