Monday 5 June 2017

Lenore - Gothic Outfit Story Line

In Style Boutique 2, a story line appears that features Lenore requesting for you to showcase a gothic themed outfit to her. This story line appears at no specific time within the game and appears more than once. The story line usually appears after you have completed the Five Sisters story line.

Visit Taylor Arcade and two NPC characters may appear with a star symbol above them. These NPC's are Lenore and Blake who are Leonora from the Five Sisters in disguise and her Butler. Lenore will talk about searching for someone who best represents her favourite fashion style which is the gothic theme. If you are wearing a gothic themed outfit, Lenore will comment on your outfit and Blake will request to take a photo of the two of you. If you are not wearing a gothic outfit, Lenore will inform you she is still on the look out for someone wearing a gothic outfit. She will reappear again if you miss out at another time in the future.

If you are able to take a photo with Lenore, Blake will tell you to get ready and your character will do a special pose.

After this, Lenore and Blake will compliment you on the photo and thank you for your time. Lenore will talk about Peony Hall in the Meadows which is where they live. In addition to this story line, the other Sisters will appear around town requesting outfits based off their favourite styles. Leonora can also be found around the city talking to the girls.

1 comment:

  1. I have something similar happening with Callie disguised as "Sally" and wearing a bold outfit. She will take a full body picture with me and Callie if I wear bold clothing
