Saturday 21 October 2017

Brands - AZ-USA

There a variety of brands featured in Style Boutique 2/Style Savvy 3 that cater to all tastes in fashion. One of the brands is AZ-USA which focuses on bold fashion styles. The game lists the following description for the brand "The epitome of flashy fashion, complete with daring animal prints and striking designs. Get bold, girl!" AZ-USA focuses on cool and images that will make you stand out in a crowd.

AZ-USA's main image is Bold and clothing items in the brand also fall under the following images: lively, girly, retro, boho, gothic, sporty, rock, chic, feminine and preppy. The brand can be found on the first floor of the Exhibition Hall and the brand representative is Padma. For the AZ-USA brand, each section of clothing contains the following amount of items:
  • Inner = 453 (454 with the Spring/Summer DLC Set)
  • Tops = 620 (619 with the Spring/Summer DLC Set)
  • Outer = 256
  • Trousers = 235
  • Skirts = 216
  • Dresses = 268
  • Socks = 90
  • Shoes = 299 (300 with the Spring/Summer DLC Set)
  • Leg Warmers = 25
  • Gloves = N/A
  • Bags = 97
  • Necklaces = 31
  • Scarves = 20
  • Glasses/Earrings/Etc = 43
  • Headwear = 111

Here are examples of the clothing items from each clothing section that are part of the AZ-USA brand.

AZ-USA has two items that are part of the Spring/Summer DLC Set. The items are the Denim T-Shirt and Metallic Shoes. The Spring-Summer DLC set is currently available for Girls Mode 3 (Japan), Style Boutique 2 (Europe and Australia) and Style Savvy 3 (North America).

Visit the Designer Lounge to complete requests to design clothing for AZ-USA. Please visit the Designer Lounge Request Guide for further information. There are five requests available for the brand which are as follows:
  • T-Shirt
  • Tights
  • Slip-Ons
  • Sports Bag
  • Mermaid Dress


  1. I loved this style since the very first Style Boutique!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So, will you be doing all of this for New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star too?

    1. Yes I will be! I've got a separate blog for that at:

      All guides and information on New Style Boutique 3 will be posted over there.

    2. New Style Boutique 3? Is there going to be another Style Savvy game?

    3. New Style Boutique 3 is for Europe/Australia. Style Savvy 4 hasn't been announced for NA yet. There was a long wait for the last one, so that might happen again :(

  4. For some reason I keep seeing this as an opposite counterpart to April Bonbon. Bold seems more cool, flashy, while Lively is bubbly, sweet and energetic

    1. I can totally see that! I feel the shirts and inners from both brands mesh together well. I think it's also because many items in the brands used to be their own brand (the glam/flirty one) in the previous game.

    2. That makes sense. They are also both equally as eye-catching, that is if you were to spot them in a crowd.

    3. April Bonbon is definitely eye catching with it's crazy colours and patterns.

  5. I'm also constantly amazed how this brand is the complete opposite of the game's art style. I mean Fashion Forward

    1. I guess it's to reflect the clothing styles that are popular in Japan. AZ-USA always reminds me of gyaru fashion and old magazines like KERA.

    2. I'm talking about the clothes with buttons, zips, belts, denim, dull colors, etc.

    3. I never really thought about that angle. I believe the game is more focused on showcasing different fashion subcultures and styles that are popular in Japan where the game is primarily made for.

  6. Is it weird I think the grey clothing with leopard print makes me think of a seal?

  7. This is definitely the "cool" style.

  8. This looks like American fashion to me.

    1. I'm not to familiar with american fashion as I'm from Australia, but it does remind me of stores like Hot Topic from what I've seen in media.

  9. This also feels like Tomodachi Life fashion for some reason. When I design an outfit and pay more attention to the clothes it feels more like a pre-made outfit rather than separate clothing.
    I guess it looks similar to most of the clothing on Tomodachi Life, particularly the men's clothes?

  10. I think I remember a yellow/orange long sleeve fur or fluffy coat from Trendsetters but can't find it in the 2 newer games
