Sunday 4 December 2016

Colour Palette - Winter Colours Now Available

With the change of season from Autumn to Winter, new colours are available to unlock in the colour palette. There are two colours that can only be unlocked during Winter and the other two colours can also be unlocked during Summer and Autumn. For more information on locations of colours in Style Boutique 2 and Style Savvy 3, please refer to the Colour Palette Guide.

To unlock the following colours, take photos at the following locations with the correct conditions.

Snow White - Meadow Walk (Flower bed in Winter during Morning or Afternoon)
Night Rose - Primrose Park (Roses bed during the Evening or Night time in Winter or Autumn)
Willow Green - Maple Crescent (Willow Tree during Summer and Winter)
Winter Green - Primrose Park (view of trees during Morning or Evening in Winter)

Snow White (Black/White Palette)
Night Rose (Red Palette)
Willow Green (Yellow/Green Palette)
Winter Green (Green Palette)


  1. If anyone is having problems getting the snow white color to be recognized by rainbow from the Meadow Walk, I got mine from a picture of the mansion actually.

    1. Yes, you can unlock it from a few different angles. Mainly it's just the snow covering the flower fields at the Meadows.
