Tuesday 6 September 2016

Purchasing & Clearing Stock

One of the hardest things in Style Boutique is trying to figure out what types of clothing to keep in stock and having the right things in stock so that you don't disappoint customers. Then the other part is how do you clear out stock to make room for new items. This guide will cover how to clear stock and tips on stock management.

Clearing Stock
To clear stock from your Boutique inventory, you need to select the Manage icon at your Boutique or the Stock Management icon on the fourth floor of the Exhibition Hall. To sell an item and clear it from your inventory, select the item then click the green cart button at the bottom of the screen. This will add the item to your cart to sell. Now there is no option to clear every single item you have in your stock inventory unfortunately at once. To clear stock, you need to individually select each item. Frustrating I know but the clear all stock features isn't included in this installment.

Once you have added all the items you wish to get rid of to your cart, click the blue start cart and you will be brought to a screen that allows you to select the quantity of the items you wish to clear. Press the up and down arrows at the top part of the screen to increase the quantity of each item you want to clear. For example, the picture below shows the different quantities of each item in red. You will receive money back for all the items you clear. You do not receive back the amount you payed for the item and the payment is quite small.

Purchasing Stock
New stock can be purchased from the Exhibition Hall and you can purchase items from all the clothing brands available. Now the tricky part is knowing what items to keep in stock and what styles to focus on. Here's some tips on managing your stock inventory:
  • At the end of each season, clear out your inventory. At the end of winter, clear out long or warm items as customers are less likely to purchase these in the warmer months.
  • Stock quantities of staple items such as earrings and necklaces. These are an easy sell and they never go out of fashion.
  • Focus on purchasing items from the style that matches the current look of your Boutique. If your Boutique has a girly look, customers will be looking for girly items or if you have a Baby-Doll look to your Boutique, customers will want Baby-Doll items.
  • After completing a fashion show, stock up on items based on the fashion show theme (i.e. lively, bold, girly) as customers will race to your Boutique requesting outfits based on the theme and you will run out of stock quickly.
  • Always keep at least one item in all clothing types (i.e. shirt, pants, skirt) of all clothing styles in case a customer drops by. For example, a customer has come in looking for a sporty outfit and luckily I have a few pieces in stock. I've been caught out a few times not having basic dresses or rock dresses in stock for customers.
  • Don't stock up on too many Purple Moon items as customers hardly ever purchase these. I prefer to purchase a few items at a time and try to sell them on my mannequin.
  • Make sure to buy items that will create a complete outfit. There's been plenty of times I've brought heaps of items but none of them match, especially when it comes to shoes.
  • If you are purchasing Baby-Doll or Gothic themed items, make sure you purchase all items that make an the complete outfit. Some of the Marble Lily dresses have matching socks and bags. 
  • Winter is a great time for being able to layer clothes. So make good use of purchasing items such as jackets, socks and leg warmers.
  • Clear out your stock inventory regularly. There will be items that you just cannot seem to sell and these should be gone ASAP because they're taking up valuable space for lovely new items you can buy.
  • Don't forget about stocking up on bags! Customers love these and they're an easy thing to add to an outfit to increase the price.
  • Take note of when staple or popular items sell out and head straight to the Exhibition Hall to stock up on more. These include earrings, shoes, hats and bags.


  1. You could also use the fashion show as a way to clear stock. If you have a huge amount of a certain style and your stock is getting full, you could put together an outfit inspired by that style in the Individual themed show. Then customers will come into your shop requesting an outfit of the same style, thus reducing your stock faster.

    1. Yes I did put that method in. I think it's dot point four I believe. I usually do it with Chic items as you can get a fair amount of money that way.

  2. What happens if you sell everything in your boutique?

    1. You won't have any items to sell the customers and will have to turn people away. I've done it multiple times when I've sold out all my stock when I used to switch styles at my boutique. You basically just have to buy new stuff from the Exhibition Hall and you can't sell outfits to customers till you have enough stock of each style they are after.
