Sunday 4 September 2016

Boutique - Mannequins

In Style Boutique, you are able to set up and dress a mannequin at the front of your boutique to advertise outfits to potential customers. You can choose any outfit to dress the mannequin and you can customise the appearance of the mannequin.

When you are in your Boutique, click the manage icon and then the Mannequin & Display icon. A menu will appear on the bottom screen with the following options: Outfit, Hairstyle, Colour and Pose. Now we'll cover what you can do in each option. You can also change the appearance of the area the mannequin is placed in through the Display options (please refer to this guide on decorating the mannequin space). This same process is used to dress mannequins in Caprice Chalet rooms.

This is the most important one as this is where you will choose an outfit for the mannequin to wear. Now you can't just throw any outfit on the mannequin, it needs to match the current style your Boutique is focusing on. If you Boutique focuses on girly style, choose a girly themed outfit or if your Boutique is focused on bold style, chose a bold outfit. Also if you are currently selling outfits based on a certain style from your latest fashion show, dress the mannequin in that style (i.e. lively). Dressing a mannequin is simple, you just choose an outfit like you would if you were serving a customer. Here's some helpful tips for dressing mannequins:
  • Dress the mannequin according to the current season. No customer is going to buy a wooly coat in the middle of summer and they will comment if the outfit is too hot or too cold for the current season.
  • Don't mix and match too many styles. Customers will comment on how the outfit is all over the place.
  • Try placing pieces you want to get rid off on the mannequin. I like to place a Purple Moon t-shirt with lively designs because no one ever requests to buy those.
  • There's no price limit to the outfit. Customers will buy the outfit no matter what the price is if it meets their style.
  • If customers are after Chic style outfits, you can make some quick money by placing the most expensive items you have on the mannequin.
  • regularly update the outfit on your mannequin. Customers want to see something new and will not purchase an outfit if it has been on the mannequin for a long time.

There are five pose options available for the mannequin. Simply click on the pose to change the mannequin. If you have dressed your mannequin in a Yukata, there are some special poses available.

There is an option to change the colour of the mannequin. You can select a variety of colours including skin tones to bright blue and green.

You can select a hairstyle for the mannequin based off the hairstyles available in your portfolio. Your hairstyle portfolio contains six pages of the latest hairstyles you have given customers or received yourself at the Hair Salon.

To sell an outfit on a mannequin, make sure you are in your Boutique and sometimes an NPC will appear on the window side of your Boutique. They will be the colour pink like all other NPC characters wishing to purchase clothes, they are just in a different position because they are looking at the outside of the Boutique. Click on the NPC and some options will appear. The top option allows you to try and sell the outfit to the NPC. Now not all customers will purchase the outfit as it does not match their style. If an customer is looking at the mannequin dressed in a girly outfit but the customer is dressed in a sporty outfit, they will comment how the mannequin is not their style and will not purchase it. If you select the top option, the customer will either comment that they wish to try it on or they don't like it. The second option is the one to pick if you can judge the customer is not interested based on their outfit and allows you to say how nice their outfit it.

When a customer wishes to purchase the outfit, they will request to try it on. If they like it, they will purchase and thank you. It's pretty easy to judge customers tastes once you memorise all the styles and clothes in the game. Customers who like similar styles to the one on the mannequin may purchase it, so try your luck if you think they will like it.

You can only sell items on the mannequin that you have in stock. If you sell out of an item to a customer that is currently on display on the mannequin, a screen will pop up asking you if you want to choose a new outfit for the mannequin. Then you basically repeat this whole process of choosing an outfit and selling it.


  1. Yeah, I'm really not a fan of how the mannequins work in this game. I liked it better when an outfit on the mannequin was guaranteed to sell (and be worn) if someone stopped to look at it.

    1. Agreed. It's annoying now because I see someone there and they don't even want to buy it!

  2. I find it annoying when a customer says the styles are too mixed---when the only thing on my mannequin that is in a different style category is the necklace or the earrings. Please!!!

    1. I've had this a few times as well, mainly when I've used Purple Moon items. It seems mannequins need to just be one specific style for customers to be happy.

    2. Are they all in the same style? If the item in a different style category already has 2 styles that don't match the rest, they will always reject it.

  3. I feel like if my store decoration, music, and mannequin are all babydoll style...the NPC shouldn't come saying the mannequin outfit doesn't suit them because it's not lively enough! It does get annoying when I can't sell my mannequin because I keep getting the same lively girl showing up.

    1. I totally agree. It's so annoying when customers just won't buy the mannequin. I wish with the mannequin, you could put any themed outfit on it and it would sell. Because I only ever seem to get people wanting girly ones.
      Maybe try changing the outfit to a lively one, sell it to her and hopefully she will stop appearing.

    2. That's a good idea! I'll try that :) Yes, I wish the mannequin would guarantee a sale even if the items are mixed. Sometimes there are items that would go so well with an outfit but I can't use it because of style clash.
